Business Consulting & Administration

Our Services


The domiciliation of a company in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is strictly regulated by the law of 31 May 1999 regulating the domiciliation of companies (Loi du 31 mai 1999 régissant la domiciliation des sociétés).

Article 1 of the law provides that:

if a company establishes a domicile with a third party in order to carry on an activity there within the scope of its corporate purpose, and if this third party provides any services in connection with this activity, the company and this third party, called the domiciliation agent, are obliged to conclude a so-called domiciliation agreement in writing.

Only a registered member of the regulated professions established in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg may be a domiciliary holder.

EUROLUX, as a chartered accountant (Expert-comptable), is able to domicile your company legally and in accordance with the legal requirements, provided that certain regulations and obligations are complied with. This is a suitable solution for companies that do not need their own premises due to their activities, such as commercial companies, which are not required by law to have a physical premises in Luxembourg.

In detail, we offer the following services for the domiciliation of your company:

  • Provision of a registered office in our offices.
  • Administrative services, such as receiving and forwarding your mail.
  • Answering of telephone calls including a multilingual telephone service.
  • Provision of conference rooms for ordinary and extraordinary general meetings of the partners or shareholders, for meetings of the managing directors or board of directors.
  • Custody of company documents, such as register of shareholders or certificate for registered or bearer shares, minutes of general meetings as well as of meetings of managing directors or board of directors.

Is your commercial company required by law to have a physical premises in Luxembourg, such as in the event that your professional economic activity requires an establishment permit?

To be deemed a stable establishment in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the company must occupy its own and real physical premises. For this purpose, we will be glad to refer you to appropriate service providers who can offer you suitable office space, subject to availability, for rent for your company in the communes of Bereldange or Walferdange at a fair and competitive price in a convenient location.

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Legal Mention

Siège social : 196, rue de Beggen, L-1220 Luxembourg
Fiduciaire d’Expertise comptable, inscrit auprès de l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables luxembourgeois
Administrateur délégué : Françoise GOOSSE
Forme juridique : Société Anonyme
Numéro de TVA intracommunautaire : LU14641813
Matricule fiscal : 1990 2203 993
Immatriculée au Registre de Commerce sous le numéro B 34752
Autorisation d’établissement : n°00113087/1