Tax Services
Our Services
Tax advice and Tax planning
In all areas of tax matters, our Tax Department advises you efficiently and in a solution-oriented manner, in particular on:
- Subscription tax (Taxe d’abonnement)
- Direct taxes (Impôts directs)
- Communal business tax (Impôt commercial communal – ICC)
- Corporate income tax (Impôt sur le revenu des collectivités – IRC)
- Value added tax (Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée – TVA)
- Withholding tax (Retenue à la source)
- Stamp duty and registration fees (in the form of the Droits d’enregistrement)
- Net wealth tax (Impôt sur la fortune– IF)
→ advise you with a view to optimising your business and taking your personal situation into account,
→ analyse the tax implications of a complex corporate structure and propose tax-advantageous alternatives,
→ support you in dealing with authorities, conduct your correspondence and also make your appointments there for you,
→ carry out a simulation of your tax situation and the expected development on request.
The entire team of the EUROLUX Group is at your disposal to support you in all enquiries and steps. We are also pleased to provide you with an advisor at your site.
Value added tax
In the field of VAT, we can also act for you in particular in the following special areas:
- Real estate business;
- Housing (we can carry out all the steps for you to benefit from the reduced VAT rate of 3%);
- Durable goods (e.g. support with differential taxation in the context of used vehicle sales);
- Banking sector, tobacco trade, travel agencies and distance sales.
Declaration of the VAT option
This option allows, under certain conditions, the sale and rental of real estate to be subject to VAT in order to recover input tax paid on capital expenditure.